Looks like Bunny is still a fat ugly button humping bitch!

Meet the CMtroublemakers Blogger!

Demographic Information

Q: I assume you are a woman? 

A: Yes!
Q: Are you 18-22, 23-30,30-40,40+? 
A: 23 - 30                      
Q: How many children do you have? 
A: 3
Q: Are they Toddlers, Grade School, Teens or older? 
A: Teens
Q: Are you married or in a committed relationship? 
A: Married
Q: Do you work outside of being a mother (&wife)? 
A: Yes, in the medical field
Q: How long have you been a member of cafemom? 
A: 5 years-ish


Q:Why did you start your blog CmTroublemakers? 
A:I got tired of seeing all of the assholes on CM, especially the ones who the admins seem to allow to get away with murder.  I wanted to call attention to them.  I didn't realize what a process it was going to be and admittedly, I failed.  So I'm taking the blog in another (easier and less time consuming) direction.

Q:Name 4 members you most dislike:
 1) Sassy - Because I have watched her evolve over the years and while she may seem harmless now to new members, anyone who has been around for awhile knows better (though some seem to conveniently forget).
 She openly admitted to having a hand in some pretty disrespectful and sketchy things and has openly bragged about knowing how to hide bodies, threatened members with hacking, etc.  And she keeps getting away with these things even though they have been said right on CM.  

What are the admins obsession with her?  Does she have dirt on THEM or what?  It would be sort of funny if she wasn't crazy on a scary level.

2) TC - Another fake.  She likes to play victim a lot.  She has so many "haterz" even though she claims that she just encourages healthy debate over controversial topics, but that's not the case.  
If she makes a post, it's to stir shit.  She pits people against one another.  She is one of the biggest baiters on CM.  I don't understand why so many people still fall for it.  And I also don't understand how she has obtained and kept so many followers. 
 Can they not tell she's dishonest and unstable and uses others for entertainment at any cost?

3) OwlNuggets - Yet another fake and you can add to that very narcissistic and hypocritical.  She also claims to like a "healthy debate," yet can't handle it when anybody expresses an opinion other than hers.  She can't "debate" without losing her shit, even though she tries to act cool.  

She's also a "Satanist," which she claims has nothing to actually do with worshiping "Satan," but is more an organized religion to give other organized religions the middle finger.  
(Okay, that makes sense.)
4) Danesmommy - Another fake that reeks of desperation (are you seeing a pattern?).  
When I first started noticing her and learning things about her, I sympathized.  
She has since evolved into an entirely different persona.  She spends far too much time on CM and it shows in the way she takes everything so seriously.  
She seems to have this need to be the most liked by other CM members. 
 She always needs to be on the first page. 
 She always needs to make it look like she's trying to be nice and give genuine advice to others that I can tell she didn't even think halfway through.  
But I have seen her say some of the most disrespectful things I have seen uttered by anyone on CM (and that says A LOT.)  
She's also a bit obsessive with certain members and openly shows it.  I don't know if that's just because she doesn't have an anon button or if she doesn't care.  And then there's her whole superiority complex with spelling. 
 If being able to spell third grade words properly is what gets you up in the morning, just stay in bed.  I don't understand why she's so admired and followed either. 
 Perhaps some people are oblivious to these things, which would be understandable considering CM isn't life for a lot of us.
Q: Name 4 members you most like:


  • CannotCount
  • CotoureMommy
  • mcginnisc
  • supermama322

Q: Please post brief description on how you perceive the following major players:
 504 - Giant annoying troll.  It's annoying how people get so sucked in by her persona and give her the attention she wants.  If they stopped, she would go away.
BoyFactory - A fraud.

Zombie Spider (or her latest incarnation) - I actually don't mind her so much on her own.  She only really becomes obnoxious when she's around BB and Eady.

OwlNuggets - I already expressed my opinion on her.

TrollCat - And her.

DanesMommy - And her.

Foolynroo - Typical mean girl mentality.  Unoriginal.  Tends to follow whatever the other mean girl crowd is saying.  I don't think I've ever seen her express an original opinion.

Sassy - She is obsessed with CM to a frightening degree.

Milklover - I don't see her as a major player, but copy/paste the description for Foolynroo.

Pink.sunshine - Another one I don't see as a major player.  In fact, I haven't really formed an opinion on her.  When I notice her responses, they usually seem level-headed.  But I don't seem to notice her much.

BionicBunny - Another giant annoying troll.  The sad part is that most of her ideas about respect, bullying, negativity etc. are spot on, but she turns them into a joke by begging for negative attention and not taking responsibility for her own actions.  This is why I call troll.  Nobody can be that oblivious.

EadyT - Biggest keyboard warrior I've ever come across.  

Her elevator clearly does not got all the way to the top.  
Between her thinking that her 2001 BMW is a classic car that's worth 3x what it was now vs. 2001, and her high fashion safety pin jewelry, and her constant bragging about every aspect of her life including money, how she could totally take any of us down in a physical real life encounter, etc. she has got to be the most full of it on the site.  
But I don't think she's doing it for troll's sake, I think she actually thinks we will believe these things and it's sad on some level but hilarious on another.  I think most of my really good laughs over the past year on CM have come from her.

Q: What is the most successful troll post you’ve made (if you have made any)? 

A: I've made plenty, but always as anon.  Welfare is one I like to post about a lot because people get so angry about it.  There's not one particular one I could think of that has been a success.  I don't think I've made any famous ones, I don't have that kind of time to put in.
Q: Does your S/O( if you have one) know of your activities on Cafemom & the Blog?

A:  He knows about CM and the multiple blogs, but he doesn't know I run one of them.

Q: If yes how does he or she feel about it? 

A: He likes to hear about some of the drama and the really funny troll posts.  There is always something being posted that I know is going to be huge shock value to him.  That last one I can remember that got him going was some anon that posted about her DH sucking on her used tampons.  That one was awhile ago.

Q: How many hours a week do you spend on cafemom? 

A: It depends on the time of year and what I have going on, but on average I'd say it's an hour a day.  Sometimes more, sometimes less.

Q: Does anyone else on cafemom know your identity? 

A: No, I'm a free agent.

Q: What are you some of you favorite sites to visit outside of cafemom? 

A: Pinterest, Netflix, Hulu, Whore Island, Choxi, Amazon, Facebook

Q: Would you be willing to take - follow up questions from the blog posters? 

A: Sure!

You can find her blog at

If you have questions for her please post them below, and she has said she will answer you.
If you would like to participate in the Featured Players interviews please email me at


  1. OMG. I really wish she could see the fucking shitstorm Sunshine is making right now in this post. It's bad. "Level headed" ROFLLMAO

    1. Punk Sunshit is a stupid cunt.

  2. I am guessing that the fact that she's not considered a "major player" really threw her for a loop. Poor sunshine.

  3. There goes that level-headed moniker!

  4. Well now I'm curious who makes that blog?!?!

    1. Someone who likes you and not me meow

    2. LOL *high five!!* :D

  5. Whenever I view this blog I think of Anchorman. Lol

  6. I don't own an 01 BMW, it's a 1994. If you're going to talk about something, at least get part of it right.

    1. Things never are correct in these blogs.

    2. The rest of her description of you was spot on so I think we can forgive her for getting your 2004 pos wrong just this once. Go back over to your pussy blog and whine about it.

    3. I am a nobody and while there is truth to the blogs to some degree there are always some areas that are simply not true. I notice it more in the comments though.

    4. Yes anon 8:49 because you know me in person right? No you don't.
      Btw. Not once have I ever claimed I was rich, although I don't hurt for money, that's someone making an ASSumption.
      You can all believe whatever you like as far as I'm concerned.
      I think it's hilarious you all obsess over me, my life and what's true or not.
      That's exactly why I comment, to keep you all going. It's really quite entertaining to me.

    5. People make up stuff about others on here and create personas and run with it. They don't matter.

    6. You keep commenting because you're an old ass bitch that has no life, but call it entertainment if that makes your little feeble mind feel better. In the mean time go fuck a cactus!

    7. @ 10:26.....LMFAO! *high five*

    8. You know 10:26, you sound angry and more than likely a bit envious.
      I have a very good life as a matter of fact.
      While you live with the anger toward an internet stranger, this "old ass bitch" that you don't know, will go on living that life.

    9. Anon 8:26 you just made my car 12 years newer, it's 1994. Please read and get it right. Lol

    10. Anon 10:26 sounds very angry. Who wants to be that pissed off over someone online.?

    11. As I said go fuck a cactus eady and you too Kelly or bunny bitch whichever one of you is playing save a ho today!

    12. My my anon 1:222 you ARE angry. I don't live near a desert, so fucking a cactus would be quite difficult.
      I gather you might, so why don't you let me know how that works out for you.

    13. LOL they just ASSUME I am either bunny or Kelly ha ha. So in all of cm those are the only two who can see how angry and bent out of shape they are. Talking about taking a website very seriously.

      LOL I think they might have had a few rounds with a cactus lol. Poor thing can't even stand up for itself but maybe that's how they like it.

  7. I miss the throne.

  8. this just furthers my idea they are run by the same person lol

    1. If you have the idea that myself and troublemaker are the same. Its a very wrong idea. Anyone with an ounce of sense can cleary define that.

  9. 3 teenage kids at age 22-30? Hmmmmm.............

    1. Didn't even catch that! She started young. Lmao

    2. Stepkids, adoption, etc. Derp. Ooh, alikat?
