Looks like Bunny is still a fat ugly button humping bitch!

Monday, July 13, 2015

We are on a break


  1. If she truly is taking a break, I hope she is checking into the nearest mental hospital along with the rest of her crazy ass friends. Bitch is beyond sick to be making up stuff about dead kids and eady needs help with her delusions of grandeur.

  2. A sane, clear thinking person would simply log off cafemom when they want to take a break. But then, we aren't talking about someone who is sane and clear thinking.

  3. I have a list a mile long of certifiable nutcases which my brain automatically knows never to engage.


    TC and any other "cat personalities" (They all manage to be incredibly obnoxious somehow. And why are there so many cat personalities on CM? I find it strange. They are clearly all the same person with multiple personality disorder AKA certifiably nutty.)




    ...and many more.

    When you give them attention, negative as it may be, it is attention. And they love it.

    But I do love being a bystander of all of the entertaining drama.

    1. You fat ass crippled pot head cunts can fuck off roll over and die. You better steer clear of me entirely if you have any brains in your tiny little skulls. Better watch what you say on cm as well because your fat asses will be booted and banned, hahaha

    2. My my the threats roll on... is this sassy? Eady? Chao? Oh it really doesnt matter does it. Thank you for the laugh. I love when people get all angry on the internet.

    3. I bet that anon at 2:03 is hoping someone thinks its eady, spider, or bb or Sassy.

  4. I missed this, I haven't been on CM in a couple days. I wonder how many "Bye Felicia" memes were on that post. lmao
