Looks like Bunny is still a fat ugly button humping bitch!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

I hate to rehash old wounds but since you all refuse to provide me with new material...

From the Email Archives of Miss Finch.

Correct me if I'm wrong, she is talking about bullying and harassment, yet all the blog is doing is re-re-posting  what she said. I am not making up shit, I am not inventing anything.  I just repost what is said, as screen shots show. 
If you find your own words to be harassment, then well honey boo the only problem you have is with you.


  1. This is hard to follow, but I get the jist. They are always spinning the same shit, just a different web.

  2. Because they are the victims and we should feel sorry for them and quit bullying them, waaaah waaah waaah!

  3. I wonder where kids learn to lie and threaten? I bet BB knows.

    1. You women are showing a great example of that!

  4. Funny how elyce turned into a bitch once she realized bb wouldn't give her the info she wanted.
    Oh here I'll be nice and sweet, but if you don't give me what I want, I'm going to call you names and let everyone know what you said to me, and tell them how crazy and psycho and off your meds you are.
    Classic abuser tendencies.

    1. LOL Exactly! Her actions show exactly why I didnt give her any information. Why the hell would I give sensitive information with a woman like HER? She just showed she isnt trust worthy and is a big back stabber. She is not a member i will ever trust and if anyone else has any sense they will take note on her behavior. This says a whole lot more about her than it does me! Its ashame they cant even see that.

    2. YOU are talking about trust?? Lolololololol. Gasp. Lolololololol

    3. YES, EXACTLY. Why would she want to hand over that information? She can read right through the bs...

  5. Now I know you are smarter than this! It has nothing to do with re-posting things said and has everything to do with your comments about what is re-posted, twisting things, making a big deal out of a sensitive situation and not being decent enough to even care about the death of a child and you and some crazies keep following her around making comments that are harassing. If you cant see that or defend that then you have some serious problems you need to work out.

    1. There has been nothing verified or proven that someone's child died. Now that I have a possible location, I or anybody can very easily verify the story, if they have a mind to.

    2. Just because you can't find anything doesn't mean it didn't happen. I'm getting the feeling none of you have lived in a small towns. Some small towns I have lived in don't even have a news station and only have a small local paper. Unless you know the name of that small local newspaper you are not going to find anything. Stop playing detective and don't quite your day job!

    3. Also,i f the location is remote enough, there wouldn't even be a news story to look at. There certainly are some very remote areas in Alaska.

  6. Just an fyi. Stuff like this can land you in some legal hot water. This was supposedly a private conversation, you have made very public.

    1. Lol you look like such a fool. Bb

    2. You're the one who is the fool. I'm not the bunny.

  7. " I have no intention of telling anyone", "You have my word I will never tell anyone"
    Well Elyce you just proved your word means shit!

    1. Let's just be clear here. Elyce has flat out stalked people on this site. She is one of the king crazies.

    2. She sure is and she just proved it.

    3. You didn't quote the whole sentence. She said she would never tell any personal information about the child or family.

      And now I'm defending Elyce. WTH is happening?

    4. There is no defense for Elyce. She just proved she is a back stabbed and nobody to be trusted. If she had given information on the child and the family it would be posted on this blog.

  8. I would be embarrassed if i were Elyce!

  9. Ha! SURE you hate to rehash things. This shows how much you hate it.

  10. Chaotic is an active participant and has complete control of her involvement. If she REALLY didnt want to be "bullied" and made fun of, she can quite easily change her name, or, stop being an idiot and just post anon like the rest of the people on CM who do not wish to be identified by a screen name. She can easily solve her own problems. It's evident that she enjoys this. And isn't that why she's being targeted in the first place? Because she enjoys playing the victim?

    I think I just restated the obvious, lol.

  11. BB is one sick human being. How can she sit there and lie about a dead child, what kind of mother does that. I'm glad I got to read these messages it really shows the back peddling that BB did. She should be banned permanently.

  12. Apparently you have reading issues.

  13. Oh look BB is playing the victim again. "Please ask any question to clear things up, except for the question that is going to prove I'm lying". BB, Eadyt, and bluegreeneyes are such a joke. I wonder how many other people these 3 were sending messages to trying to get them on their side. Too bad many people see them for who they are now, LMFAO.

    1. If you are so comfortable giving your location to strangers online then by all means post it! If not then STFU

    2. Seriously the people who have the problem are the ones worked up over members. The ones who are a bit sick are not these women...but the ones who worry about every single thing they type. They can write about a movie and you all are breathing down that post. Women on cm will go on and on about how much they hate some members but spend so much time talking about them and so much time on cm devoted to certain members and THAT'S not crazy? No wonder I just lurk over there ffs. I am glad I am just anon and not part of that crazy place!

  14. Is anyone really surprised over BB lying about this? She is part of the special squad after all. She is mentally ill and I agree she should see a professional. This time BB went just a tad too far even for a psycho.

    1. Oh look! Another one who has reading issues!

    2. No one has reading issues you just don't get it do ya? We all know that you, BB, were insane and thrived on negative attention. This is just a little proof. You continuing to post on the board is that confirmation that you need the attention and play the victim. Everyone can see it.

    3. Everyone who hasn't joined the hate bandwagon can clearly see that it's you people who keep bringing it up in every single post/reply she makes and your the ones making post after post after post about it.
      But you know, keep lying like you've been doing. I'm sure it makes you all feel better about yourselves.

  15. Eww I just threw up in my mouth a litter bit. Bunny you are so fucked in the head. Playing the victim just wasn't enougj was it? This is the lowest of the low even for you. Just leave MC and never come back. You can make all of the lame posts like painting rocks you want. No one is going to forget this you piece of shit.

    1. Because you love the attention. You have to admit that lying about this was beyond crazy even for you.

    2. Because I'm not going to be ran off by a bunch of crazy bitches! There are plenty of other groups for me to post in without this crazy shit. If you want MC you can have it. It's where the mentally ill gather anyway. Have fun with your group and blog. I'm moving on to other groups where the same people are but I'm never leaving cafemom!

    3. Where the sane people are *

  16. There is something about the number 4. Yeah there sure is, the girl you lied about dying was 4 right? You nasty!

    1. Only your sick mind would come up with that!

  17. Elyce has been pulling this kind of crap for years. She got he butt right smack dab in the middle of drama in The Cafe group several years ago. She is as bad as Nickie.

    I lost my anon for asking BB what some good tourist attractions are in Alaska. How the hell is that violating TOS? I haven't interacted with her before. I have asked cm admin and gotten no response as of yet.

    1. It's because they are getting tired of all this harassment too. Your intentions were against TOS. You should have stayed off that bandwagon.

    2. Lmfao. Because that isn't all you were doing. You were stalking and harassing and outing the evil thing she had done. That last part is your words. But go ahead and play the victim here. That seems to be what you stalkers and haters do best.

    3. You will believe what you will. (Did I just use a typical bb and ZS line?) I am planning a vacation to Alaska. I much rather get info from people who live there on where to go. I have not engaged her before in conversation and I will not ever again. Lying about the death of a child is disgusting.

  18. This IS bullying and harassment. What you posted here isnt from a post. Its from a personal message, right? You are not re-posting public posts. You know what all of you are doing is wrong and you are trying to deflect. Whatever you have to say to feel innocent.

    1. Shut the fuck up BB, You aren't innocent or a victim and you aren't bullied. Get the fuck off the internet if you are so sensitive.

    2. Nope, you wouldn't even know what goes on here if you didn't come here... so go away little bb go away.

    3. It's funny you people think I'm the bunny.

  19. BB if you feel so bullied turn off your computer you stupid fuck. Stopa king up stories about kids dying to get attention sicko.

  20. BB you are gross making something like this up. How dare you. I hope Karma gets you and gets you good.
