Looks like Bunny is still a fat ugly button humping bitch!

Sunday, July 19, 2015

My source email

Soooo you know I am cortico- because cortico was in the thread before the post was made on the blog.. sooo in your summation I was in the thread captured it, and then emailed it to myself to put on the blog.

sorry kid! but you get a big fat

I just simply LOOOOVE seeing people going on about how smart they think they are to figure things out - and they haven't figured out SHIT ha ha ha ha


  1. Ok I guess I was mistaken then. Im sure she is the one who sent you this message though.
    BTW that post wasn't made for BB. She says right in the replies. You might want to do your research before so quickly posting what everyone sends to you. It doesnt make you look very smart or careful about what you post.

  2. What the fuck are you going on about? BB made the post for her "friend" who lost her child.. the kid who was shot.. but it never happened. The same topic that she claimed was in TEARS about still being around... because she deleted because she wanted no one to talk about. Maybe you should learn to read a bit better.

  3. Take the log out of your eye and you will see clearly to remove the speck from my eye.

    You posted it yourself, personal messages between BB and Elyce where BB said she only went along with them saying she lied so they would stop searching. You dont even comprehend what you re-post. Time to read then re-read what you post.

  4. And BB made that post for a friend on CM not someone she knows in real life.

  5. It didn't happen, there are no police reports for any shooting by a 4 year old in the last six months. It's been researched.
    Go back and take another drink, drag or whatever it is you're on.

    BB can claim whatever it is she wants, we all know why she made the post.
    and it's my pleasure.

    1. You mean just like how you made this blog for attention?
      Some things are not nationally published. When will you women learn this? You have no idea how ignorant this makes you look. I have seen the proof. I know its true so I dont need you to try to convince me it isnt. It just makes me see through the ignorance all the more.

    2. Sorry sweetheart with a husband , a father and three brothers in law enforcement two on a national level and two at a state level I am well plugged into reporting shooting and deaths on a NATIONAL level. There was no such thing in the last six months. Unless of course you now want us to believe it wasn't reported to the police? Sorry sweetheart you and your lunatic friends LOSE.

      I made this blog for fun! Thanks for supplying it

    3. It was reported to the police but you will never get the report and anyone who tries can get in a whole lot of trouble if they access that information for you intention to harass. They do know who goes into their files.
      Many places only have news report in local papers and you will not find that information without the name of the town. I dont play these games. I also know plenty in law enforcement and you dont want to go digging and finding and spreading this information, for your sake and the sake of whoever you know that might have the ability to find the information.
      Who invests so much time in the lives of people online to contact law enforcement to look up things like this anyway? You really make yourself look worse and worse with every post and every comment.

    4. More threats. LOL I already confirmed no such incident occurred - via police files. perfectly legitimate and perfectly legal, as the same sources are open to the AP on a regular basis. You should REALLY know what you're talking about before you start threatening people.

    5. Actually she is correct. There are jurisdictions that do not share their information with outside entities.

    6. Lol I didn't threaten you. I'm stating fact. If he can access them legally fine, but you can't share that information legally and yes he will get in trouble for abusing his work privileges to provide you with material to harass someone.
      If he couldn't find it then I'm sure he was looking in criminal files. You don't get it. I have seen the proof. I know this tragedy happened. You going on that it didn't just makes me smdh. That just shows how much you don't know and how little information you have access to. You are not going to know without the towns name.

    7. Who says I was going to share anything? I just already confirmed it didn't happen. He is not abusing anything, running a national report on gunshot incidents is all in the scope of his job duties. Looking in criminal files? You have NO CLUE what you're talking about. You haven't seen shit, it did not happen but do keep trying. but then again you're part of the moronic 3 so - its like arguing with a fence post.

  6. No way you're not part of the Moronic 3.. You make no sense and sound like a drugged up loon.

    1. She is definitely one of the 3 of them. They keep saying the same thing everywhere.

  7. I run a blogger blog and I just wanted to let you all know who are accusing the author of "accidentally" commenting with her name that as the blog owner, she can delete comments fully so that they no longer show whatsoever. Since she has the power to do that, there is no reason she would have removed it the way they did so that it would still be visible if she was truly trying to hide something.

    1. I am the owner of this blog - I didn't accidentally post anything.

  8. So she wants everyone to think she was going along with the lie so it would go away yet she is making post like that. She needs the attention. She is a special kind of fucked up.

  9. FFS some of you need to hurry up and get a health professional to see what is wrong with you!
