Looks like Bunny is still a fat ugly button humping bitch!

Thursday, August 20, 2015


Is Bunny on prescription drugs?
I have seen her really bizarre behavior - her tangents her lies - saying one thing at the start of a thread and then completely denying she said it 4 pages later.. 

Today apparently she has a boo boo on her finger - and now she has some fatal illness.

Anon 4 said she hoped she was in pain and said she wasn't a person - all that Bunny thinks is against TOS but isn't.

Then Bunny jumps all over a totally different anon for doing it all...

and then blames it on the second anon for using anon and confusing her. LOL

This girl has got to be a drug addict.  If she was honestly that low in IQ she wouldn't be able to figure out how to use the internet.

Had to add... 

The Whore checks in..


  1. I honestly have no idea how she manages to care for several special needs children.
    She literally posted non stop today - if you look at the threads she was in there were dozens of posts, all day long, no long gaps, no hours she wasn't posting.

    AND someone in that thread said she was on her blog crying about it too.

    She must just throw her kids kibble and bellow "Momma gotta post" in her best Momma June impression

  2. She isn't the only one that posts about an "alleged" illness. There are a few others that post about their illness or numerous health problems and they should be dead by now with all they have posted in just the past few years.

    1. This is a blog sweetheart no need - to NOT name names.

    2. Funny since you deleted AG's full name lol.

    3. You can distinguish the difference between a screen name and someones full first and last name?

  3. Wow this popped up over here pretty fast. LOL. I was reading the comments and thought that it was hilarious.

  4. Honestly with all of her health issues and all of her children's alleged issues her and her dh must have the worst genes ever.
    If her kids are even half as whiney as she is they will never be able to cope in life.

  5. She is giving 5ohHor a run for her money with the "You all are obsessed with me" claim....Jenna will be jealous

  6. I love Episkey. That is all.

    1. I wish I knew who you were <3

    2. Just like anon 10:45- I love you too, girl!

  7. And you aren't half bad either Nola :)

  8. The irony of her posting a link to an online counseling site...

  9. I learned my lesson of trying to be nice to her last night. She wants nothing more than to make everyone out to be the enemy. Her behavior is erratic and beyond bizarre.

    1. It seemes like she was the anon insisting you were making fun of her kids too... trying to make drama

    2. That's what I was thinking while I was reading it too. She got very bent out of shape last night when I pointed out what a hateful bitch she was being in a post that wasn't bad at all, what tbf did was pretty nice and bb still had to shit all over it!

    3. She has a serious hard on for TBF. I think she's jealous that TBF is well liked and supported. She refuses to see that you get out what you put in.
      I fully believe that every post is meant to incite drama so she has blog material. The second she feels wronged it's on her blog. Then her band of merry bum kissers are stroking her fragile ego. I would not be shocked if they don't start posting anon to create comments just to post on their blog as proof that cm revolves around them, if they haven't already. Her posts are becoming pretty erratic. I'm not sure if we should be concerned or if we just continue to let them entertain us?

    4. TBF- I don't blame you for deciding not to try anymore with known drama queens. BTDT and got nothing but a kick in the ass. It's not worth it!

    5. She is absolutely insane! She looks for any reason to pick a fight so she can play the victim. It must be a miserable life being so paranoid about everything.

  10. Come on now, the anon first started all that crap. I'm not an Ass kisser or something.
    If someone said a mean thing to me, I fight back for myself.
    the Anon first said ZS broke TOS before she pointed where the Anon did too.
    too many cray cray on CM lately.

  11. She completely lost her mind in that post. She pushed her wrong doings on everyone else instead of being an adult. I seriously want to report all her posts to get her kicked out. I think when she makes a post, no matter what it's about, we should just ignore her completely.

  12. People just need to stop replying her posts like they did with 504. Notice once she stopped getting hundreds of replies, she went away? Everyone needs to do the same with BB. Some of these women are sick- they thrive on the attention of Internet strangers. They eat it up! Starve them and they'll go away!

    1. The last blog post she made in mc was hijacked by gifs and diy projects. That's a little more fun than ignoring her :)
      I do think people need to stop the attacks and nasty comments, she feeds off of them and it's now exactly what she wants for her blog.

    2. I really did enjoy that post 3:23. All sorts of neat things to do with rain gutters, it was quite enjoyable

    3. yup that was awesome and fun. I loved the dance off, anon who did that with me, if you're out there we need to do that again.

    4. That was me, that was me, I was the one that hijacked her thread with GIFs and DIY gutters.
      I'll PM you on CM~ADP

    5. lol you were doing both? That was still epic. And now someone else is doing it on her new thread.

    6. Hell ya, we're filling her thread with clowns and almost everyone is now ignoring her!

    7. I went back and did more DIY, today's topic Pool Noodles.

    8. looks like she convinced an admin it was spam. So guess when they start hijacking threads they should be reported for spam.

    9. What a whore. Frankly the "spam" was more interesting then her post.

  13. I'm seriously considering starting a blog and posting pictures of her screenshots where she insults, bullies and loses her cool

    1. You can post what she leaves out of her posts. As well as posting all her and her buddies nastiness.

  14. I'm seriously thinking of doing it

  15. She makes lots of posts until one takes off. Her behavior has been very erratic lately.

  16. She is bat shit crazy!

  17. hopefully someone sends you the SS from the Boyfactory's post. But it was just more of the same.

    1. That was sad. I mean seriously

    2. The post is still up for anyone to see. She just got it locked.

  18. Who says it was her. Just like tonight with the dumb ass memes and gifs in her post about her dd.
    I button humped the shit out of it.
    What now?

    1. Why did they remove the comments but put them right back up? So it isnt against TOS?

    2. What a tattletale. What are you, 6? Judging by your behavior, yes. Judging by your looks, 60.

    3. Hmmm. I don't know. Maybe both, but I highly doubt it.
      You bitches want us off of cm and that was a way to try and attempt to do it.
      You might as well accept it.

    4. Not true. We just want you to be less damned annoying. If you could suck even 20% less, everyone wouldn't hate you so much.

      By the way, spamming her posts isn't trying to get her to leave, it's just us being as annoying as you all.

    5. Congtrats captain bitchface you button humped a post and got your anus buddy's post locked, but none of us got in trouble and we still have our anon buttons so we aren't going anywhere either, so suck it hag! All of you can hijack posts so can we and we will!

  19. lol no one wants you off CM. But it sure was funny watching BB get hijacked when her and ZS hijack others posts all the time.

    1. Eadyt thinks she is so kind of badass and that we all are out to get her because we are oh so jealous of her. That's kind of her catch phrase, it's best to ignore it!

  20. Eadyt you are not a mother anymore and haven't been for a long time. Actually I don't even believe you ever had a kid. We all know you and your friend like to lie about kids dying. You are on CM kidless, doesn't get more pathetic than that. You are not a badass, you button hump big fucking deal. You are such a loser it's almost sad but mostly funny.

    1. OMG. Totally harsh. Yes, she's a complete joke, and I mean a complete joke, but wowza on the meaness of that comment.

    2. Hey anon 10:43. Listen here you brainless bitch! I hope to gods you never have to go through losing a child, not ever.
      I don't give a rats ass how you try to insult me, you DON'T bring my deceased child into the picture!
      It doesn't matter what you believe, I'm still a Mother and I was blessed with 10 wonderful years with my daughter.
      If you were that fucking smart you would realize that AND the fact I've actually posted her picture right in mc.
      You wanted a reaction out of me you dumb cunt, well now you got it.
      Keep that shit out of your fucking mouth.
      Matter of fact, go crawl in a hole and fucking curl up and fuck off!
      Stupid fucking dumb bitch.
      I doubt you'll keep this up Nola, but I will have it and the comment from that brainless fucking bitch.

    3. As much as I can't stand eady, that is a really low blow. Keep her deceased child out of your insults.

    4. I can't stand EadyT, she's an annoying wanna be, but bringing someone's child into it isn't cool at all. No one should be bringing up a deceased child like this.

    5. Listen eady you dumb cunt, I said that comment was harsh and after all your fervor and grandeur you felt the need to poke at me?

      Makes me doubt your passion about everything above because your final thoughts were "lets think about Nola and screen shot this" What is wrong with you? I'm sorry you lost your child but really - are you mentally ill?
      I know if someone was digging on me for a lost child, my last thought would be to screen shot the comments so they live forever.

      Do yourself a favor and leave the blog - no one here likes you and there is no reason for you to stay - now that apparently their gloves have come off.

    6. Anon 10:43
      You're not very smart and also a bitchy cunt. How dare you bring up a dead child in whatever nonsense you think you're saying..
      It's clear you've failed as a mother.

    7. Nola I apologize to you, you did say it was harsh, even those that don't like me have commented saying the same thing.

    8. Bringing up the loss of a child is a cheap shot. This is exactly what I'm talking about when I say that there is always someone that takes things too far.

    9. Ya bringing a child into it is a low blow for sure.

    10. This is really shitty. Idgaf if you like someone or not but it's terrible to bring someone's dead child into an argument. Wtf

    11. Except for dead baby jokes, right TBF?
      You're perfectly fine with those, you're the one who said "everyone gets offended over something"

    12. Yes, what makes you think my opinion has changed on that. Everyone takes offense to something. Comedy is all about shock value and stereotyping. I don't have any care in the world that dead baby jokes exist any more than I care jokes against Mexicans and blacks exist. Using someone's situation as a personal attack is not a joke or comedy. It isn't a generalization or stereotype. It is meant to target someone to cause pain. Having malicious intent is wrong. I don't play that. I don't care who it is.

    13. I don't think your opinion has changed.
      It's the very fact that YOU are the one who made a dead baby joke, sick and twisted on your part.
      You weren't sensitive to the ones who said they had lost their babies and a dead baby joke was inappropriate, you didn't care.

  21. You know BB and eadyt have been a lot more cunty and needy lately, I wonder if they found their husbands emails in the Ashley Madison email dump, that would explain a lot of their issues.

    1. I was 3/4 the way convinced that they were lesbian lovers.

    2. That's an insult to lesbians everywhere.

    3. I could see them being lesbian lovers but I thought they lived pretty far from each other. Maybe now that their men have been caught cheating one will move in with the other and they can have a relationship, maybe is they had their cooters licked more often they wouldn't always be in such a shitty mood!

    4. Maybe between the two of them someone can take care of bbs kids.

  22. So now tbf's well intentioned post is on the creeper blog. BB is claiming to not be biased.

    1. It's obvious to anyone with sense that tbf absolutely meant no harm. I read the whole long quote tree-filled and eady clearly kept that drama going. Sigh.

    2. It's very clear to see that the shit didn't start until bb came in and started agreeing with the only anon that was being hateful to tbf, which was probably eady or zs, but of course nothing is ever her fault and we are all mean bad bullies!

    3. It's hilarious that they left out her opening statement. That clearly showed she was being supportive and creative and seeing if Bunny had known about these two brothers - and relayed it to her sons.

      This latest creeper blog post shows the blogs TRUE intention. That they were so furious and upset they couldn't post their garbage here so they "made their own" and are now desperately trying to get traffic.


    4. It was admitted that the blogs intention was to belittle people. With that admission putting TBF on there was meant to belittle her. Unbiased? LMAO
      I also very highly doubt bb gave the blog to eady like she said she was going to.
      They are absolutely ridiculous and eady is an awful person. She's always so damn negative, nasty and downright ugly to others. She claimed TBF bullied ZS and of course never backed it up. This isn't new though, she does this frequently. This is her way of targeting someone then attempting to justify it by claiming they deserved it because they were mean to *insert buddies name here* when it's all bullshit lies.

    5. Yeah, I'm still waiting on those SS from where the 90s group supposedly made a fake obituary and were making fun that a "certain member" (still not sure who) caused ZS's death. I won't hold my breath though.

      I think changing their blog to "creepers of mc" was very appropriate, the admins of that blog certainly fit the definition of creepers

    6. It was really silly. I think maybe the ladies had been drinking? There was photoshopped picture of AG coming behind ZS with a butcher knife. Then people starting going in to posts saying that ZS had been killed by AG and someone made an obit. I really didn't think it was all that bad and at the time people didn't seem really mad about it. I thought it was a joke about how seriously everyone was taking the ZS VS AG thing.

    7. I'm still waiting on the SS too because I have zero recollection of saying anything like that. I know my memory is bad, but I'm kind of scared if it is that bad. Until I see otherwise, I'll just assume she has me confused with someone else.

    8. TBF, I'm pretty sure none of that happened, or else my memory is shot, too. Someone is just dying to start shit.

    9. I'm still waiting on the SS too because I have zero recollection of saying anything like that. I know my memory is bad, but I'm kind of scared if it is that bad. Until I see otherwise, I'll just assume she has me confused with someone else.

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. Sorry i know i suck as a blog keeper but what screen shots are you waiting for tbf

    12. Eady said she has a SS of me making fun of ZS being killed or something. She said that I replied to a post saying that I was going to post a memorial for her. I don't remember anything like that, but my comments are usually pretty harmless. So, I'm not worried. I'm sure it either doesn't exist or she is blowing something way out of proportion. ZS has been upset with me ever since someone shared a SS of me saying she had become annoying, but I didn't want to take her off of FB because it may hurt her feelings. If that is the worst type of stuff they have to show, I'm good. They can pretend that makes me a terrible

    13. It was a comment you made in MC but it was obviously in jest. I believe someone had asked where zombie was and you replied that she was killed. They took it and ran with it.

    14. TBF, if it makes you feel any better, I don't remember any of that happening either. So maybe we both just have shitty memories, but until proven otherwise, I agree with just thinking eady is confused.

  23. Yeah, that blog's a snooze for sure!

  24. I didn't SAY I had screen shots of it bf, I said you made the comment, big difference, but evidently I'm not the only one who knows you said it.
    I know of someone who's supposed to have the screen shot though and I hope she gives me the thing like she said, that way I don't get called a liar, when I'm not, I didn't just pull something that awful out of my ass, that's for sure.

  25. *shrugs* I don't care if you waste your time trying to prove that I'm some malicious person. You would be hard pressed to find anything I've said or done with ill intent in all of my CM years. You and your buddies have put a lot of effort into "outing" me as someone evil. Keep on keeping on. Whatever makes you feel better about yourself. I'm sure I could find isolated comments to attempt to prove how terrible you are but, frankly, it isn't a care or concern I have or worth my time. I'm not out to tear others down.

    1. Did you see the SS they posted? They made it very clear that their "unbiased" posts were all bullshit and meant to target you. They're hypocrites and liars. DesertMoonLass said she's "good friends" with the blog owner (BB) and that the intention of their blog was to belittle others. Yet they claim it's to stop the bullying and to call out the bully's of cm. It's a joke. It actually makes me mad that they called you out like that. I've always laughed at their bullshit but this is just reaching for more drama for their idiotic blog.

  26. I saw that post by tbf but I had no idea there was so much drama over it.

  27. BB doesn't give a shit about TOS as long as she's the one breaking them. She just posted a murder video which is clearly against the TOS prohibiting violent images. But anything for ratings, right??!!

    1. I know right? And she feels no remorse about any of it! She keeps saying we are all just trying to cause drama because we don't want her post such things! I had to leave the post before I called her some horrible names and got banned. Pretty sure eadyt is trolling under anon with her too! Stupid fucking bitches. I really feel sorry her children, she is truly a monster!

    2. This "monster" gave up her anon months ago and she still doesn't have it, nor want ut.
      Oh and btw, my dd is deceased and you need to keep that shit out of your remarks.
      As I've been saying, it's all about who posts what and whether they're liked.
      I posted the proof in my blog and it still didn't matter, it was a joke and harmless.
      My ass it was, but like I said, it's all about who posts it.
      Just like this blog, you all flock here to talk shit, but when your exposed, it's a different story.
      Well that's just TOO DAMN BAD.

    3. Look dumbass I wasn't talking about your kid, I was talking about feeling sorry for bb's kids! So quit trying to make yourself out as a victim once again. The "proof" you posted is shit, in cm you said she made a fake obit and that isn't what she did. I don't believe you about your anon button, we catch you in lies constantly here so why believe what you say? You didn't expose shit, you just proved once again that you are full of shit! If you don't like what this blog is saying then go the fuck away, no one forces you to come log in here. You are all a bunch of assholes and that will never change!

    4. The ZS being dead was in the MC Conspiracies post that AG bumped yesterday. Oneangrymother is one of AG's many alts on here.
