Looks like Bunny is still a fat ugly button humping bitch!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Straight from the mouths of Beavers

It's kinda cute how dumb they are- thinking people can't find them. It's even cuter that they are in such a tizzy!!
ha ha ha ha



  1. Lmao. You're so stupid and so is the person who took the screen shots. There's nothing here that hasn't already been said, so nice try on trying to stir up drama. Besides what was said about Janet no one was talking shit about anyone. Big fail for all of you who got your panties wet over "supposed" drama. Morons.

    1. That didn't take long for her followers to show up. Go drink some more Kool-Aid.
      She said shit about her supposed friends. Nice friend. Also bashing a group she made and the people in it.
      The only "FAIL" is you defending her.
      She thinks it's hilarious to out people. Now she's been outed! Karma is a bitch!

    2. They sure are devoted little minions. This is what AG does every so often and people keep kissing her narcissistic ass.

    3. Where's this shit talking you speak of? Lmao. Yes, you're all so clever thinking you know everything about a situation that doesn't involve you. *claps hands*

  2. So the group is imploding. Gee nobody ever oredictedcthat. Lol

    Anon 7:42 apparently they were worried it would get out about the group. They were flipping when they were outed.

    1. Damn ignore my spelling. Lol

    2. They scrambled and delete everything....shame someone took SS!

    3. AG always deletes her antics. It is her MO.

    4. I'm laughing SO hard at this level 1, level 2 wtf is this some kind of convert CM operation, this is a prime example of them taking CM and themselves WAY too seriously, I can't wrap my head around the fact that they are trying to be all super secretive with their super special club..uh group? I think I reverted back to being a 9 year old girl reading these ss. AG likes to do her dirt under the impression that it would never come to light, but, for someone being a fake intellectual you would *think* she would understand that a) there's no honor among thieves AND it's the internet...nothing is really not that "secretive" she wants to come off as this know-it-all, waspy type bitch, in all reality she comes off as stupid every fucking time she opens her, types. I wish she and her followers....'friends' go somewhere and stfu please and thank you.

  3. I headed over here because everyone was saying there was some big deal going on, but I'm confused. How does this impact anyone other than the people involved? Is this some big scandal that we're all supposed to be affected by? Please, fill me in.

  4. Talk about fucking your friends over. AG sucks as a friend.

    Yet they are here defending her. Wow

    1. I'm not seeing how she fucked someone over. Don't get me wrong, I'm just a random person that's watched MC, but it seems like AG told Janet (?) all these things already. Not sure how that's someone getting fucked over.

    2. It's just creepy and sketchy as fuck to start a private group to talk about the people you are in another private group with IMO...
      From what I saw the other day....Janet was shocked by what was said.

    3. Maybe. I have no idea. Is that posted somewhere else?
      All I see in these ss are a group of people having a disagreement that has zero to do with anyone else outside like two people. Maybe I'm just cafe mom jaded, but it's not nearly as exciting as I thought it would be.

    4. Janet was shocked that someone didn't trust her after she flipped her shit? None of this was a secret. It was all said in 90 before it was disbanded. Who else was AG talking shit about?

    5. How about the 'handful of others' she was unsure about on top of just Janet? Anyone who was in the group knows who she was talking about.

    6. Janet didn't flip her shit, she just didn't care for Nicki and had enough of her stupid drama.

    7. Nikki claims to not be enjoying the current drama of the group then makes a new group and leaves out a bunch of members which in turn creates even more drama. WOMP WOMP WOMP get the fuck out of here, idiot. Who are you fooling? Besides all of the beavers. Lmao.

  5. Aww man, I thought this shit was going to be juicy. I miss TinyBlueMoon. That bitch was entertaining!

  6. Are we gonna have to see endless lists made by TC now? BTW me thinks someone has her friends coming over here and downplaying.

    1. Thanks for the read Nola!!
      Refreshing to see someone who thinks it's funny to out people being outed themself! Lmao!

  7. Nola Finch aka AG aka Kitchy aka Nicki

    1. That's your thoughts and you are sticking with it Eh Anon 7? LOLOLOL

    2. It's the truth you crazy bitch lol.

  8. Yep, AG loves attention but she tries to play cool like she is above it. Now it is biting her in the ass.

  9. Please someone fill me in, who's Janet?

  10. AG isn't creative or intelligent enough to be Nola. Nola is funny as hell. AG is just sad and pathetic.

  11. Interesting. Very interesting.

  12. There is a way to search private groups. I have to try to remember how. Does anyone know?

  13. OH NO! They broke the Internet!

  14. CM is down and I am sure AG thinks this is all about her.

  15. It's eye opening about a few of them. Nicki? We had all been warned about her so it wasn't a shock. Some of the others? Yeah it's a shock.
    I guess to them it doesn't matter that people got left behind. It's eye opening to see that these people who said they were your friends can just act like they're relieved they don't have to share with the masses any more.

  16. The thing about conniving bitches is that they are oblivious to all the other conniving bitches.

    Please shoot me in the face if I ever (and I mean fucking EVER) take CM that seriously. I usually find it fun to read about drama, but this was just depressing to me. That is way too much time and effort put into a website full of conniving bitches that you can't trust. And most of the members I see discussing it are ones that I thought had their heads on straight! JESUS!

    Forge something with genuine people you meet in real life. Please. PLEASE. This was just mind blowing.

  17. Nicki is so stupid. She has a trojan horse still in her group and doesnt know it, haha She always does this crap and then wonders why people can't stand her back stabbing cunty old ass. I have SS of her posts from all her groups that people sent me. I am just holding onto these little tidbits. When things calm down, I will release them and watch the group implode again,

  18. Nicki is so stupid. She has a trojan horse still in her group and doesnt know it, haha She always does this crap and then wonders why people can't stand her back stabbing cunty old ass. I have SS of her posts from all her groups that people sent me. I am just holding onto these little tidbits. When things calm down, I will release them and watch the group implode again,

    1. It seems calm now;)

    2. Sure you will. -eye roll-

    3. That seems rather back stabbing and cunty. Of you, I mean.

  19. I can't believe she turned out to be exactly what everyone always said.

  20. AG is such a loser. Her husband is a pussy. She is always down talking that poor man, get rid of him then you dumb ass. And all her photography pictures omg they are so fucking horrible. Absolutely terrible please don't charge people for them AG you are not the hot blonde from MC that actually takes nice photos so stop striving because you'll never get there. Let's also not forget her Youtube mockery videos she made. Lmao how fucking sad and pathetic were those?

  21. She will never leave him. She says how she will always be a sahm. She can't do that without him.

    I do find it funny how when something goes wrong with anything having to do with their new house or location she blames him. She posted about him skyping her from the initial walk through of that house and how SHE had to talk him into that house. He did not like it at first. She never owns up to her own shit. Her poor dh even gets it from her.

    1. she sounds like she has some mental condition

    2. She saved milf.shake's pic for years then suddenly outed her for being a troll. Who the fuck saves pics of cafemom members?? She made a rate me post in Newcomers years ago under the SN Judge Judy and many members posted their pics in the post. I'm willing to bet that she saved a ton of member's photos from that post. She was the one doing the ratings.

    3. Yikes, she is a nutter and then plays innocent so well. She had me fooled for a long time.

  22. The group was public all day. She also mentioned some photos she took at a birthday party and how sad the family was because of their behavior. She mentioned yelling and such.

    1. Did she say who the family was?

    2. Just someone she would see at a school open house.

    3. Woah, creepy much. Why does it matter to you who the family was? You bitches are fucking crazy.

  23. There was no glitch. She made it public open your eyes people. This is what she does and then pretends that people are out to get her.

    1. I think that makes her crazy. Some moms claim to be so smart so why hang with that fruit cake?

  24. Exactly anon 10:21.

  25. CM was down though. Maybe coincidence? anon 10:29

    1. CM wasn't down when she made the group public. That happened a few nights ago. She most likely posted the link in MC under anon to get people talking. It sure as fuck worked didn't it.

  26. There ya go. The excuse AG will go with.

  27. So two members I've never heard of had a fight in a bitch group? This is front page news? I just assume this happens every day.

    1. Minion downplay.

    2. Hey don't bring minions into this. Lol!

    3. How about lackies?

  28. How do I find the YouTube videos?

    1. Search for "I am from cm and think I am the shit'

    2. No results. Thanks anyway

  29. This happens in every private group. Every private group like this, always has a mole. ALWAYS. Give it time, someone from inside that group will start sending screen shots to the blog.

  30. I guess AG was right not to trust them? I don't get it.

    1. Not at all. We were all trust worthy. No one likes to be stabbed in the back. But it wasn't a member of her group that posted these pictures. It was there for everyone to see.?

    2. seems to me like everyone else in that group shouldn't have trusted her, not the other way around.

    3. I don't even know who any of the people are, but I'm with you. It looks like this chick was right not to trust the others.

  31. The group was public. That is why she was flipping out.

    1. but if it was a zero drama group like she claimed, why should it matter if it was made public?

    2. AG made it public hence why everyone is talking about it. She does this shit all the time. She is the fucking mole.

    3. Exactly anon 1:14.

  32. I've been reading through these comments and I have a question. Why is that if someone is unimpressed with the screenshots, they are automatically deemed "minions" and "followers?" Had it occured to anyone that maybe, just maybe, these screenshots are lame? Oh, no. Two members of a private group don't like each other. Who gives a fuck? I came to read the drama, and I must say I am sorely disappointed.

    1. It's much more than that. People are seeing what others have been saying for years. She creates drama and then she plays innocent victim.

    2. What was so drama inducing about what she said in these screenshots?

    3. Maybe I can't read well but what I got from all that was a bunch of people were uncomfortable in their group because members were posting about other members and gossiping all the time instead of having real conversations. So they formed a new group. Vary scandalous.

    4. 3:09

      Except that's not what happened. AG was just as much of a gossip in the group as anyone else, except when she was too busy bitching about her sucky home life.
      Somebody dared to disagree with AG and she went nuts. Typical bipolar drama from her crazy ass.

    5. Exactly NotSoKitschy.
      It wasn't like she wasn't involved in the drama at all. In fact she created the biggest drama by letting in TC to begin with.
      What was that except a huge drama move?
      Besides which, none of what these people are saying in the screen shots was said in the group to anyone. Obviously they have been talking behind backs for a while now.

    6. The only thing said in these screenshots was that she doesn't trust someone. She even says why she made a new group. I just can't see what is so drama whoresish about anything up there.

    7. TC is pure drama

    8. Nicki talked so much shit about TC and made a meme of TC's husband in her graduation post.

    9. What a class act Nickie is. *extreme sarcasm*

    10. TC knows AG doesn't like her. I was in the MC post where she invited her to their group. TC asked if she could come in and have a look around and AG told her sure, but you can't stay because no one likes you. Is that post still up?

    11. the plot thickens

  33. Holy shit. I was one of those left behind and I don't even care as much as some of you who weren't even involved. The outside interest is a touch weird.

  34. Well... I can see some of you feel passionately about this..
    carry on

    1. Seems that the only people who care are the people who had nothing to do with it. Lame!

    2. Does it seem that way to you? Not to me. But regardless of whoever cares and whoever doesn't. It matter not.
      Obviously many were interested enough to look.

  35. 6:56 it seems quite a few people care. LOL

    Nickie is the new 504.

    1. LMFAO!
      I can't wait until she threatens to sue everyone and plays the victim....AGAIN!

  36. You'd think they be happy to be rid of her. They told her they never liked her, she opened a new group instead and now they mad? Makes no sense.

    1. Yes because everyone in the group said they never liked her. Most had no problem with her until this all went down.

    2. That sounds ridiculous. If she made a new group to get away from people who didn't like her, why would anyone be mad? You either didn't like her so no big deal, or join her new group. I think Nola is hard up for material. I don't see any big drama here. There are two or three names mentioned in all of this and those people were all very vocal in MC about not liking her anyway.

    3. Actually she was/is supposedly friends with the people she was talking about in her new group. They were friends in another private group. I think it's a bitch move to start a group to talk about others that your in another private group with.

    4. It is a very crappy move.

    5. It was a strategic move, she knew what she was doing.

  37. Replies
    1. Avant_Gardner aka Kitchy

    2. I remember that. I thought it was so ignorant to use your real name. Especially complaining about her husband the way she did.

    3. Poor guy can't do nothing right.

  38. It's funny how AG said that she was rarely in level one because it was boring but now all of a sudden wants a drama free group? That chick can't keep away from the drama.

    1. I wonder how long it will take for her new group to implode and then it will just be Nicki and a few other people left. It's like Circle of Trust all over again.

    2. It won't take long. She pulled a dick move and it backfired on her because many of her "friends" are now seeing what everyone else has been saying for a long time.

    3. Who are the friends who are left after this mess????

    4. @12:19, wow, you're right, I'd forgotten she'd said that. Hmm...

      @9:07, the friends that are left are probably the only ones in these SS with her

    5. @anon 9:07
      People that have followed her from group to group. It's like a sieve. She starts with a bunch of friends and slows she shows her true colors and ditches them throughout her time in CM. Once she's down to the bare bones she starts again.

    6. Thank you anon 9:50
      anon 11:20 that's pretty sad and I don't feel bad for her friends though. They make choices.

    7. She initiated and contributed to the drama. She created the drama to stay away from the drama but took with her all those that loved the drama but she's drama free? Drama

    8. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably Kitchy chasing you with her camera.

  39. I don't know why but I find it so funny that she is now a "photographer" like Multi.

    1. Multi isn't a photographer. Her business was short lived.

    2. Yea and so are a lot of the fads AG follows. Again just like Multi.

    3. She has her birds.

    4. Eh she is an amateur backyard birder. There are those of us who spend time and money to build bird habitats in our backyard, bird beyond our backyard, and help in research. She is following yet another fad. She will lose interest and move on while the rest of us continue on with our journey.

    5. Maybe she can sing us a song while playing her guitar as her homemade cupcakes bake and she is getting a tattoo. Birds can be singing buzzing around the nonexistent cupcake food truck and the truck cann be full of the book The Secret and photography equipment. She can make plans to redecorate and explain tjhe plans in a video on youtube in a funny voice. She is sooo not a fad follower. ;)

    6. I can totally tell that to her it's something she does to feel special vs something that is her passion. I think she does it partially for a fad and part to make her whimsical and likeable on cm lol.
      LMAO non 3:29

  40. Nola this blog is 100 times better that that silly throne blog.

  41. Nola can we vote Nicki as the biggest lying cuntastic troll bitch on cafemom? You should really have a contest here. MC deletes the posts everytime we try to have fun

  42. You all can hate me, call me names, call me a follower or a minion, or whatever you want. I really don't care. I am going to say that posting her name is taking things too far. There is no reason for an e-argument to turn so personal. I know you don't have to delete her name, but come on... There is a difference between some online mean girl entertainment and trying to interfere with someone's real l life. People are always out for blood and it is just ridiculous.

    1. I agree. Anyone who is personally pissed from this incident knows how to get ahold of her and knows her name. No need for it to be posted. There should be at least some level of common courtesy even in a bitch blog. And I do enjoy this blog, but still the name is unnecessary.

    2. She was the one stupid enough to use it as a screen name. It's not like it hasn't been resurrected numerous times over the years.
      It is funny to see who is following her though.

    3. I can't stand ag, but I do agree with you. I know if the shoe were on the other foot I wouldn't like it.

    4. I removed it. While I am not fond of censoring the natural flow of a conversation.
      (BB and Eady not being the exception because I love deleting their replies)

      And it is just another "screen name" because she was neglectful enough to use it - and keep using it so long after she realized what cafemom was about. Makes me not want to remove it.

      However I don't want this to be a haven for out ting personal information on people to be harmed in real life.

      I know Nikki herself has done it on a number of occasions. And some may think turnabout is fair play...

      I don't really condone that cross over into real life, I didn't when Eady tried to pull that shit and I don't now. Plus I'm 98% Mc Giggles is Sassy so it was my pleasure to remove it.

    5. I love that you do it to Eady and BB because they use the admins to do it on mc. I was glad to see you remove AG's real name. Even though she had done it to others in the past.

  43. Thanks, Nola. I truly respect that. There is always someone willing to take something too far and too far may be something that actually brings harm to her family. I wouldn't want to see that happen to anyone whether they are liked on some dumb mom site or not.
