Looks like Bunny is still a fat ugly button humping bitch!

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Wow Is right.. Melody Merlot is at it again!

News Flash - Cafemom is full of vicious bitches
News Flash - DOE is leaving cafemom... AGAIN


  1. Tell your business to nobody, so you won't have much regrets. Smh
    Bye felicia

  2. Now if you could just get a few more off of here, especially me and BB, tou all would have it made now wouldn't you.

    1. Nobody cares about you anymore bitch! If you hate this blog so much why did you steal ss's from it for your own lame ass blog?

    2. I love how Eady has a anti-bully blog but then so openly acts like a complete asshole in CM. then my favorite part is when claims ignorance thinking anyone ither than BB and ZS will believe her. Whaat?? My trailer/walmart comment had NOTHING to do with EyeV. . . lololol. I hope the biggest hypocrite MC has seen sticks around for pure entertainment value since I don't know anyone that blind to herself IRL. Its quite a show!

    3. Eveeyone is ignoring her and she cant stand it.. shes here to drum up business .

    4. Ha ha their blog has been removed, I knew they would fold! What a bunch of hypocritical assholes!

    5. That's funny! Guess its too hard to have an anti bully blog AND still mean people without getting called out.

    6. We get it!! Its too hard to have an anti-bully blog AND still act like an asshole without getting called out. So you HAD to change the name. Lolololol!!!

    7. Except for you Nola, and keep deleteing, saving my replies for your own personal information/pleasure, I have them saved as well.
      So I can still prove what's said and what isn't.
      You just want to think I'm stupid. Just keep thinking that. Lol
      Oh, and for those that want to claim this is me being a bulky, go right ahead, this is me shoveling your shit back, I'm sure not going to wear it, eat it or swallow it.

    8. Does me deleting your replies make you mads? awwww you mads?
      Let me go buy a fuck to give you old BAT! LOL I actually love you coming here, drives up traffic and frankly shows how pathetic your own blog is, since I'm sure if I cared to take the time to count you've posted here much more than there. ha ha ha

  3. She'll be back. She does this on the regular.

  4. Replies
    1. Daughter of earth....I guess she got tired of playing the Anti-american (Although she grew up in florida) schtick and moved on to the ho business. she's been a trainwreck since the NC days, she's not going anywhere if anything she'll change SNs with a new gimmick. and Eady....PLEASE. no one cares about you and Sassy's granny asses I wish you two go somewhere and's like a think now, if you see BB or ZS in a post/reply the old cronies aren't too far behind it's funny, it a pathetic kind of way.

    2. It came up because YOU brought yourself up in blog post that had nothing to do with you!
      49? That's a typo right? There's NO way you're 49! I'm sure you meant 59 right?

    3. I quoted eady and her reply disappeared!

    4. 1966 12:34 add it up. What did you quote 12:36, I have screen shots of what I say in here, just for that reason.

    5. You said people were always bringing you up and that you were 49. You had to bring yourself up in a post that had nothing to do with you. She blogs about you and you lose your shit over it. She doesn't blog about you and you have to make it all about you. Your desperation is hilarious.

    6. I know what I was talking about and that's all that matters.
      I'll let you in so you understand, this topic is in typical fashion, mocking and talking about who wants who off of cm.
      I added if you all could also get a certain three of us off of cm, you would have it made.
      Get it now? Probably not.

    7. Why are you obsessed with the thought that anyone cares if you are on CM or not? I certainly never expressed an opinion on you leaving CM. This is something you three dumbimgo's dreamed up .

    8. It's amazing how important and relevant they think they are. They're absolutely clueless as to how ridiculous they look. Talking in circles, nonsensical and insane rants and their hypocritical BS is pure entertainment.

  5. Well isn't this interesting. I La.Belle.Vita posted the wrong info about the wrong person, hahaha

    Blog has been removed

    Sorry, the blog at has been removed. This address is not available for new blogs.

    1. Blogs like this are notorious for posting wrong information, but the average drone reader don't care about that. These blogs are the tmz and gossip rags of cm. So, frankly, it matters little to me if some of my info was incorrect. It was my perception of what was going on.

      I didn't think I owed an explanation or anybody cared if I disappeared. Okay, so one person cared. I took the blog down because I learned how much time it takes to do something like this. And quite honestly, I have better things to do with my time.

      One other thing, you aren't even on the same planet on figuring out who I am. But happy guessing.

    2. Don't assume I give a flying fuck which cunt you are on cm, hehehehe

  6. The bully bog is gone as well.

    1. No it hasn't. There was a post in MC talking about the blog name change. Bullies of mc is now creepers of mc. Same blog just different name.

    2. And yet, no one can find it.

  7. Imagine that. Hmmm

  8. Has anyone read couture's latest post? Is she trolling?

  9. It makes me giggle seeing the "I don't care what you think" posts. They care or else they wouldn't have felt the need to make a post declaring it.

  10. She didn't leave. She is still there. She was commenting the other day.
