Looks like Bunny is still a fat ugly button humping bitch!

Monday, October 17, 2016

So BB is now attacking people with disabilities and calls their children VILE

Let us all remember this when she claims victimhood again

Wonder how she's going to spin out of this one!!!! 

She's already claiming she didn't attack anyone's children.  She said her kids must be some VILE children, how is that not an attack?

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Either EadyT is drunk or she's stroked out


Yep she's drunk, and also VERY narcissistic. Thinking the post is about HER ha ha ha ha

Catfish Conundrum

So it seems that the ladies of Cafemom has once again discovered a "Catfish" among them.

For those who are not "In the Know" Bcoll, everyone's favorite Masshole was a completely made up person.

We can't even be sure she was even a she.

For years her stories have been inconsistent, vague and rather unbelievable (summers in Greece)

Yet because she lied and said nice thing to everyone's face (while attacking them under anon and laughing about it)

All the shallow people fell for everything that came out of her mouth.

Watching it all unravel was hilarious.
I knew she was a catfish right after she tried to say this was her and her brood having afternoon tea.

SO who will be the next Catfish?

There is a lot of talk about Elyce, but lets face it. We all already know how much she lies.

Years ago when she was posting pictures of this huge house, it was found out she lived in a small track house.  Then she claimed multiple properties until it came out that her sister owned the "big house" she was trying to pawn off as hers.

God this makes me shudder.  I have concluded she's a troll , no one uses this face to catfish.

Monday, July 4, 2016

I am Nola

I am not  a photographer, Don't know what the Mutt reference was for.
But I never claimed to take any pictures.
The anon is completely off.

I assume she means Kitschy, yea no. not her.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Your kid will never have any friends...

If you kick them out of your house for - being a KID
this isn't a toddler or a 4 year old. This kid is EIGHT and runs to his mommy at the drop of a hat.
And what does mommy do? Other than prepare her kid for the reality of life and how to deal with things you don't like.... She kicks an 8 year old out of her house.

I wonder what the conversation was like .. since she posted this in response to her own thread
I really HOPE she didn't say this to the kid! But I wouldn't doubt it - she seems unstable.

Thursday, August 20, 2015


Is Bunny on prescription drugs?
I have seen her really bizarre behavior - her tangents her lies - saying one thing at the start of a thread and then completely denying she said it 4 pages later.. 

Today apparently she has a boo boo on her finger - and now she has some fatal illness.

Anon 4 said she hoped she was in pain and said she wasn't a person - all that Bunny thinks is against TOS but isn't.

Then Bunny jumps all over a totally different anon for doing it all...

and then blames it on the second anon for using anon and confusing her. LOL

This girl has got to be a drug addict.  If she was honestly that low in IQ she wouldn't be able to figure out how to use the internet.

Had to add... 

The Whore checks in..

Monday, August 17, 2015

Can you say "Far Fetched"

So she didn't out people but - she just got a PM from a "temp" account giving her the 411?
Yea okay