Looks like Bunny is still a fat ugly button humping bitch!

Sunday, July 12, 2015

A Few of the more odd responses to the blog...

Of course it's going to ruffle a few feathers.
Of course there are women who won't like it or "get it"
But here is a few of the more odd responses that made me cock my head sideways and mutter like the Mcdonalds Minons ...."What The fuck?"

So she started out pretty typical, we are all mothers, time bla bla bla. And then... the highlighted part was said. Does Anonamom 25 know something we all don't know? I wonder what she will be at the end of civilization....

So Michele thinks  a blog is 911 worthy? Really? Do you have a frequent caller card for your local 911? "hello police help help someone is making a blog somewhere in the world!!"
Or is she calling 911 to get me a life? I didn't know it was like the home shopping network.. I wonder what a life is going for these days.
Maybe I should ask Anonamom 25.. since she might just be the master of the human race one day.


  1. Michelle is almost as much of a lunatic as the retard squad members.

  2. TC, Eady, chaotic bunny, sassy, and spider dipshit are ridiculous. Each and every one of them have proven themselves to be unstable. Why does cm allow these crazy cunts to stay on the site? Drama. Without them having their epic melt downs, stalking, and general bullshittery, that site would have dried up like sassy's old vag. Chao is a shit mom. TC is a racist. Spider is a straight up moron. Sassy is such a failure as a mother, that she is now raising a litter of bastard grandchildren. And old easy eady...worthless irl and the joke of a site for retards and trolls. Hahaha fuck you shitbags!

    1. It was only a matter of time. They are really good at the "Whoa is me" thing, but how long can that last?

    2. Stupid CUNT, at least Sass is able to raise her grandkids. Hopefully you will die and the state can raise your bastard fucktard kids, because a cunt like you has no business raising children. Poor bastards will turn out retarded like you, very sad situation

  3. "can someone call 911 for this?"
    Holy shit is she serious? I knew she was off her rocker, but this takes the cake.
