Looks like Bunny is still a fat ugly button humping bitch!

Monday, July 27, 2015

Are you afraid of anyone on cafemom?

I have gotten several emails asking me to post things about people , because the senders of the emails claim they are "untouchables" and everyone is "afraid of them".

Nothing they gave me was really worthy of posting, other than the concept that they are afraid of those posters.

So is there anyone on cafemom that you won't confront, or talk to because you're afraid of the backlash?

This is your chance to say so - and not have me do all your dirty work.


  1. I just wanted to say that I love AC/DC and Dirty Deeds is one of my fave.

  2. I avoid certain people. I wouldn't say I'm afraid. I would just say I'm wary of them.
    Aventgardner, boyfactory, troll cat, own nuggets, foo lynn roo,and of course those three weirdos. It seems if you say anything they don't like you become enemy #1 on the boards. So I just avoid them. 99% of the shit they have to say is just look at me shit anyhow.

    1. AG is a con artist. No need to be afraid of her. Con artists are cowards.

    2. ^^AG knows how to get people to believe anything. I am not sure how she does it but she sure can get a lot of followers.

    3. Good I hope that fat bitch Foo never comes back. She was a nasty bitch that kept pictures of cm members in her photobucket account

    4. I think you have your members confused there scared shitless

  3. I'm not afraid but I won't reply to BB, eadyt, or sassy because they will report the fuck out of you because they are a bunch of douche asshole tattletales!

    1. I don't know about the other 3 but sassy will report you if you bring her family into the post. She will tell you that she reported you

    2. You must really hate AG.

    3. Lol. As if you are really AG. Bahahahahaha

    4. You're so dumb. We know you're not her. What's that quote? Imitation is the highest form of admiration? If you truly hate her so much, you're better off not imitating her screen name, weirdo.

    5. You ladies are so silly. I told you in the group what I was doing. Now you are telling my secrets. Can't trust anyone anymore
      the real AG, lol

    6. Yes, "real AG", please tell us all your secrets. Oh wait... You have none. Just another troll trying to stir the shit.

  4. And she's always been right so . . .

  5. Cm is only a forum on yhe internet. How can I be afraid of people I don't know.

  6. Nobody on cm is untouchable. If they think they are, they are a fool. As for my being afraid of anybody? I don't "fear" anybody on cm. However, there are a few I simply don't interact with, for my own reasons. I am also aware that I am more than likely talking to someone I don't care for under anonymous, and I'm okay with that.

  7. I'm not afraid of anyone, but there are people, who when I see they have quoted me, I just roll my eyes and move on. I know what they have to say will be drivel, and isn't worth my time reading. Most of the ones mentioned here already, in addition to a couple who weren't mentioned yet.

  8. I'm not afraid of anyone in real life, why the fuck would I be afraid of people online? Bigger fish, my friends. There are always bigger goddamn fish.

  9. No, I'm not afraid of people online. There are people whom I avoid because they're fucking idiots and not worth the time it takes to type out a response. Some have already been listed, some have not.

  10. Afraid? Seriously?! Is this a joke?

  11. No. But a lot of members people 'fear' I don't even comment to. Not because I'm scared, but because I know their response will be useless. If I have to say something, I'll say it and then just not come back whether they respond or not.
