Looks like Bunny is still a fat ugly button humping bitch!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Well dude... hmmm how about that...

I just dont know what to say about this, except for laughing my ass off.


  1. I don't know why anyone is surprised. I've always thought she was shady from the start.

  2. Lmao not surprised at all.

  3. I hate the Big Lebowski. Worst movie ever. It's like she picked a character from a lame cult classic to try to be the cool kid she never was.

  4. She's a phony and someone's alt.

  5. I'm trying to understand why this is funny.....

  6. *sits back to watch this drama unfold*

  7. I just want to say that her grammar and sentence structure is atrocious. I wouldn't normally say anything, but she always talks about how smart she is.

  8. I don't like the dude, I never did. She was annoying in the begining and even more so now. Her kid looks like a trolling everybody knows it.

    1. It's not nice to attack kids anonny 215

    2. Yeah well, the truth hurts.

  9. Liar liar pants on fire!

  10. She's been suspiciously absent from MC today.

    1. One day? REALLY?????
      Alert the media omg omg omg!!!

  11. Oh yes. Her third person bullshit. I had forgotten about that. I do remember calling her out on that. Didn't believe her explanation back then and still don't believe it now.

    I have always felt that she wasn't/isn't who she says she is. I don't know what it is, but she is not who she says she is andany have fallen for her persona. I believe she is a catfish. Sometimes you have to look at the obvious to see things.

    I don't know who this Juicebox person is. The only memory I have of her was the time she spent an entire weekend bumping herself to achieve the diamond spot in NC and then she was gone. So, I can't, nor will I jump on that bandwagon.

    My theories are, she's an alt, the she is actually a dude trolling, or this is someone's dh/so spying on his woman or trolling with his wife/so who is a member.

    It can be one or none of the above, but either way, the truth will eventually come out.

  12. So where is she? She's been gone today and us normally on all freaking day
    Speaking of, who's watching her Ork children while she's on?

    1. I only see her on at night and rarely during the day time.

    2. Shes on any time I long on. Day, night, 2 am.....

    3. I am not on enough to notice, I guess.

  13. I really don't understand the gist, anyone care to fill me in??

    1. She claims to have Tourettess that causes her to speak in the 3rd person. In one post she said she was diagnosed at 14 after her father was in the first WTC bombing, in another post she claimed she was diagnosed after having a traumatic brain injury at 19 years

      I don't really care either way - I just find it funny.

    2. Haha! Liar Pants on fire..

  14. Maybe her TBI causes her to forget things like when she was diagnosed?
    Yes yes, I'm sure that's it.

  15. I read both posts in which she stated that, and yes, it does appear that she was referring to T in both. But she had mentioned both OCD and T in a prior response for the WTC one and its POSSIBLE she was referring to her OCD and this was all a misunderstanding. I really have no idea, I would just not feel good about someone feeling run off if it was just a mistake.

  16. Dude,

    BB, ZS, and ET thank you and the Krabby chick. The spotlight is now not so prominently on them. Although, I can see these also upsetting at least 2 of them. They may create new drama soon.


    A Fan of the Drama

    1. I don't think any of them want that attention anymore than the dude does. People want the drama sure but that's about it.

  17. She can only explain herself out of so much. More is coming.

    But no matter what, she will always have her "friends" and "followers" that adore her no matter what. Just like Sassy. They are both gross.

  18. I dont have "friends" on CM, (I remain Anon at all times) so I never really get to discuss how damn annoying some of the people are...and it's cracking me up that there is now a blog basically dedicated to the people who annoy me.

    Thanks Nola!

  19. Hey Dude, I know you're reading this. Since I can't say what I want to on CM, I'll say it here.

    I posted the infamous juicebox/tourette's pic. If anybody missed it or wants to see it again, let me know. It was only up for a few mins before they poofed it. And no, the picture was NOT about making fun of or shaming anyone with a condition or any situation, it was about calling out a LIAR who has been caught LYING about conditions and situations that REAL PEOPLE are actually dealing with and experiencing. REAL people are struggling with Tourette's and OCD. REAL people DID lose their loved ones in the WTC bombing. To lie about those things is disrespectful on a greater scale than I can find words for. Your actions are deplorable and your lies are great in number.

    And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Wait until the rest comes out! Stay tuned, CM friends. Until then, I urge those of you who have shared personal information with her and "bonded" to be weary. It's unfortunate that she had to drag so many of you down with her.

    1. I want to see the picture, I have always thought she was lying. She has always annoyed me but I would just ignore her in mc because she is one that if you say anything to her you get button humped to death. She is a fucking idiot!

    2. Missed it. Maybe Nola will post it for us?

    3. I knew from day one she was a liar, and have avoided her. It's about time the truth is revealed.

    4. Anon 10:18 I agree. AG is same way. I have asked her questions and her, or her friends, report me and shit is removed. If you bring up why it happened they deny and you are called a liar. They are all just as bad as the squad.

    5. What do you want to know? Ask away.

    6. You dipshits have been threatening to "reveal the truth" and claiming "it is coming" for well over 3 years now. And yet... nothing actually concrete. Just stupid pictures, and quotes taken out of context to suit your needs.

      So, pray tell, when is "it" coming? In a year? 10 years? When we are all dead? When?

      Either put up or shut up. If you have this "proof" then fucking show it already. This cryptic comments and lame "it's coming" crap is so over done.

    7. She is scared shitless and has been away from CM for a couple days now. Since when is she EVER away? She lives on CM. She is seriously on a disturbing amount of time. I don't care if she lied or is in alt or is juicebox or whatever, it's not like we're friends. I'm just pointing out what I see. But she will probably come back and say she had something oh-so-important come up. I bet her "baby will be sick" or something equally dishonest.

  20. Anon 703. Send me pic ill post it

  21. I said it before and I'll say again. Dude is Juice and this can be cleared up very easily
    the real AG, lol

    1. I have seen AG say on CM that Dude is NOT Juicebox.

      Which I find strange because she sounds so sure of herself. How is she so sure? I don't trust either of them.

    2. Because Juice and I had a very "special" relationship. Juice is too crazy to hide it for 3 years. Dude and I aren't buddies, but we're fine with each other. Juice would never be able to resist coming after me and a bunch of other people too. I've had a few PM's with the dude, I know she isn't juice.

    3. Well AG says so it must be true. *eyeroll*

    4. Shit AG, you've never been shady or caught being a shit stirring liar before...oh wait...As far as I'm concerned you and Dude can both choke on each other's dicks.

    5. Ladies. Lets keep dick choking to a minimum... perhaps suggest just gargling a bowl of dicks.

  22. The pic is up on the Troublemakers blog. I don't know if this comment will be approved. But it's there.

  23. Come on post the picture!

  24. I've never liked the dude. She has always given me an off feeling so I avoid her. Same with troll cat.

  25. Still missing. I think we can officially say that the_dude is a troll

  26. Nooooo she's not missing! She will come back with some elaborate story about why she wasn't here for awhile. You just wait. "Vacation" or an "illness" or some kind of major fucking disaster will be blamed. And I can't wait for it because she called Sassy out on the same shit when Sassygate happened.

    1. I don't remember her calling out sassy
      I thought they got along fine.

    2. She didn't make a big drama post about it, I just saw her say it in a response to one.

      I don't have proof because I don't SS everything on CM, but yeah, she definitely said it. And I never viewed she and Sassy as friends.

    3. The only thing Dude aka JB said about Sassy was that Sassy liked some of her own replies. That is not calling someone out. I thought they were friends. They always liked each other replies in posts and joked back and forth for a long time. Then after Sassy made that 'I know who JB is' post, shit hit the fan with those two
