Looks like Bunny is still a fat ugly button humping bitch!

Saturday, July 11, 2015

So, she's lived and bred in this country illegally for YEARS... doesn't want to wait for immigration - and doesn't approve of the way blacks behave...

So Glitter_Shart is an illegal immigrant, one against her will btw. her horrible parents smuggled her in a false bottom of a horse trailer as an infant. Or maybe hid her in a pinata, who knows. But definitely against her will, so she is blameless in this all.

Despite being a mature breeding adult, she has chosen to remain illegal until last year.  She probably can get better benefits if she's a citizen is my guess, but who knows her sudden compulsion.  Whatever she comes up with will likely be a lie - after all she's living a life of crime.

Anyhow she filed a YEAR ago and how dare some american not fast track her claim to citizenship?
She's probably eager to get her citizenship so she can cast her vote for a 3rd term Obama (don't laugh people are actually claiming it's going to happen!!)

That is not the more fun part about Shart here, she's a racists. Yes a Mexican who hates black people - that's about as rare as a Lincoln penny right? Oh please let me be accurate, she isn't racist she just has issues with their conduct... THEIR.. as in the entire population. Maybe I don't like lawn mowing bean burrito farting Mexicans? since you know - every Mexican is exactly the same :Rolling Eyes:
That doesn't make me a racist - DO IT?

And I am always curious who in their right minds LIKE a blatantly racists hate post..
well I guess I have my answer aye Yurixsi?


  1. Yeah, she's awful.

  2. She has made multiple posts about her illegal immigrant status and how it's taking "forever." I remember commenting on the last one a few months back and telling her that she isn't entitled to special treatment and has to endure the process just like everybody else. She didn't like the truth, imagine that.

    But she also could just be a troll. Or another persona of TC. Because we all know how TC likes to get everybody riled up with her dumbass "controversial" posts about various topics and she seems to like the illegal immigrant one a lot. Let's see how long it takes TC to do a spinoff! My guess is not fucking long!

  3. She's so annoying and stupid.

  4. She's the reason why Americas test scores are so low.
